
Each member can choose a "personal photo" of 60x60 pixels to appear under his name when he/she posts a message on the forum. Feel free to choose your favorite.

  1. Make sure your member name is logged into the forum.
  2. Click on "My Control Center" in the upper left hand corner of Board.
  3. Go to "Personal Tab".
  4. Click on "Edit Preferences".
  5. Look for "Personal Photo".
  6. In the space provided for the URL, enter the URL of one of the Whitney icons below.

    How do I get the URL for my icon?

    To get the URL, simply right click over the icon and copy the link location, and than paste that URL into the empty box.

    Thanks to Whitney's FanCentral for Directions

    ||swv icons | coko icons | lelee icons | taj icons||



